Delo Knowledge: Light, Electron and Positron

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Delo Knowledge: Light, Electron and Positron.

King Delo

Empowering Minds, Reigning Wisdom: King Delo Unveils the Book of Knowledge!

The Enchanted Delo Knowledge: Light, Electron, and Positron

In this captivating book, I unveil the mesmerizing secrets of light, electrons, and positrons, showcasing their dual nature as both particles and waves. Witness how the fusion of electrons and positrons creates the radiant essence of light or its fascinating dispersion when these two particles collide.

Delve into their mesmerizing movements and explore the very fabric of their existence as I reveal the intriguing materials they are composed of. Embark on a journey through their inner orbits, unlocking the mysteries of the universe, and uncovering the intricate web of cosmic connections.

Prepare to be enchanted by the fascinating dance of light and matter as the enigmatic realms of electrons and positrons unfold before your eyes. With Delo Knowledge as your guide, embark on an extraordinary voyage of discovery into the heart of existence.


To ensure that readers can easily follow the contents of the Delo Knowledge series books, I have divided them into two main eras: the ancient era, consisting of three books numbered one to three, and the modern era, comprising books numbered four to nine. The Ancient era books primarily focus on learning methods and discoveries, while the current era books aim to establish and confirm various concepts.
However, all modern-era books from number four to eight have a consistent format in their introductions and conclusions, setting a unified tone for the entire series across all collections, so readers do not need to search for these messages in different books. Therefore, I apologize if readers find this repetitive. Nonetheless, my intention is to convey a definitive message to you, using two different tones—one of friendship and the other of combat—that symbolizes the battle between intellect and thought.
Regardless, my purpose is to awaken you with a slightly louder voice, providing warnings before entering hazardous stations that Earth may encounter.

book of knowledge series

  1. The King of the King, King Delo Universe (End of Old-Age).
  2. The King of the King, King Delo Atom (End of Old-Age).
  3. The King of the King, King Delo God (End of Old-Age).
  4. Delo Knowledge: Universe, Earth Imperial Calendar
  5. Delo Knowledge: Atomic Structure.
  6. Delo Knowledge: Molecule.
  7. Delo Knowledge: Light, Electron and Positron.
  8. Delo Knowledge: Atomic Nucleus.
  9. Delo Knowledge: The Revelation of the Third Wish.
  10. Delo Knowledge: The Power of God (not yet written).

If I live long enough, I will rewrite three books from the old era, bringing the total to twelve plus one books.

From Cosmos to Atom: Unveiling the Universe's Microscopic Secrets.
In a cosmic dance of mystery, the cosmos and the atom converge, revealing hidden secrets and profound connections. From the grandeur of celestial bodies to the intricacies of subatomic particles, the universe unfolds its enigmatic tapestry. Delving into the depths of space and exploring the fundamental building blocks of matter, we witness the unity that binds all creation. Embark on a journey that bridges the macrocosm and microcosm, illuminating the profound relationship between the vast cosmos and the infinitesimal atom.
Author: Amir Key-KHosro Amini
Title: Moghan
Publisher: King Delo
Language: English and Persian
Type: Light
ISBNs eBook: 978-0-6459014-2-9
ISBNs Hard Copy:
Print Length:
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Date Published: Coming Soon
Genre: Science