I am writing to you, esteemed and honorable reader, to share my groundbreaking discovery with you. I have created a grand and pioneering calendar, a fusion of three ancient timekeeping systems—Lunar, Solar, and Gregorian—crafted to harness their combined wisdom. This calendar not only reflects the harmony of these systems but also offers a modern method to observe celestial movements in our ever-evolving world.
At the heart of this calendar lies the dynamic motion of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, further enriched by the orbital rotation of the Sun in three directions, mirroring its majestic journey through the Milky Way galaxy. I have symbolically linked this motion to black holes, enabling the calendar to predict celestial phenomena, including solar flares, based on their relation to these cosmic forces.
In essence, I have designed a system that brings the universe closer to you, allowing you to visualize these cosmic events effortlessly. To begin your exploration, I invite you to watch a special video demonstration available on YouTube via the QR code below, guiding you through the calendar's unique features.
Next, I encourage you to follow the link provided beneath the video to witness this stunning five-layer calendar in action. It is not merely a tool for tracking time but a powerful instrument for understanding past and future cosmic events, unlocking a deeper connection with the universe.
Click on the link below to watch a video on how to use the calendar.
Click on the link below to view this calendar live. to the link below to view the list of eclipse dates for the 153 years before and after the year 2020 AD. Date Before 2020.png Date After 2020.png
Refer to the link below to view the list of eclipse dates over 306 years, along with their orbital movement patterns. Date with 18 Years Orbital Cycle in 306 Years.png
To view a list of eclipse dates in the 18-year list along with their orbital motion patterns, please visit the link below.
. Years Cycle SkyMap4.png Years Cycle SkyMap4-3.png
To view an image of the movement of the Sun and planets among the zodiac constellations, along with their orbital motion patterns, visit the link below. and Planets Movement 2.pngI humbly invite you to test this calendar, a masterpiece crafted through years of dedicated effort and meticulous refinement. Over this long journey, I have repeatedly tested it myself to ensure its accuracy and quality, leaving no detail unchecked. Now, I ask you to put it to the test—see with your own eyes how it remarkably predicts both the past and the future with precision.
I reach out to you, esteemed spiritual and scientific leaders, to examine my findings with fairness and rigor. Evaluate its truth—or, if necessary, challenge its validity—so together, we can explore the profound knowledge it holds.
Dare to witness time itself unfold before you.