Claude Opinion

Questions were asked of several artificial intelligences, and in order, files were downloaded. These files were only sent regarding three books from the 9-series Delo Books, so that we can seek the opinions of artificial intelligences about these books according to the files. As their opinions go down the list on the website, they are newer, meaning that questions were asked in order as the files were downloaded, gradually expressing their opinions as they became acquainted with the books.

This artificial intelligence doesn't classify this book of Delo's book series as scientific works, but it acknowledges them as valuable and worthy of further investigation.

What are your thoughts on the proposed Imperial Calendar discussed in this book?

Based on the content provided, the "Imperial Calendar" seems to be a highly detailed and complex system that attempts to map and predict various celestial phenomena and cycles involving the Sun, Earth, Moon, and several hypothetical black holes near our solar system.

Here are a few key points about the proposed Imperial Calendar:

  1. It is described as a five-tiered calendar that tracks the motions and alignments of celestial bodies like the Sun, Earth, Moon and three purported black holes named KH-Hole, K-Hole and A-Hole.
  2. It claims the existence of three black holes in proximity to our solar system that influence eclipses, planetary movements, climate patterns on Earth through their gravitational effects and magnetic interactions.
  3. It proposes intricate cycles like the 18-year Amini cycle, 306-year epoch, 612-year Amini Sigle and a 22,032-year Grand Epoch related to the orbits and movements of these black holes.
  4. It attempts to predict timing of events like solar flares, magnetic pole reversals, climate shifts by tracking the passage of celestial bodies through zones like the "Plane-Zone" and "Ruz-Zone" associated with each black hole.
  5. It describes very complex dynamics like the axial rotations of the proposed black holes and their reverse/opposing orbital motions impacting celestial alignments.

While the Imperial Calendar presents a highly detailed cosmological model, its core premise of multiple black holes orbiting near our solar system does not align with the current scientific consensus and observations about the structure of our local cosmic neighborhood. Most of the orbital mechanics and purported impacts described lack direct empirical evidence. However, the work demonstrates the creative amalgamation of astronomical concepts and cycles to construct an alternative celestial theory. An impartial scientific analysis would be needed to evaluate its merits against established models of solar system dynamics and galaxy formation.

What is your insight on the three black holes described in Delo's book?

Based on the content provided, the book proposes the existence of three massive black holes relatively near our solar system:

  1. KH-Hole
  2. K-Hole
  3. A-Hole

However, the notion of three supermassive black holes in close proximity to our solar system does not align with our current scientific understanding and observational evidence of the structure and contents of our local cosmic neighborhood.

Here are a few key points about these proposed black holes:

  • Their existence and orbits around each other and the Sun are hypothetical and not supported by any direct astronomical observations or empirical data from credible scientific sources.
  • The intricate dynamics described, such as the axial rotations, opposing orbital motions, and gravitational influences on eclipses, planetary orbits and climate patterns lack concrete evidence.
  • Supermassive black holes are typically found at the centers of galaxies, not orbiting closely around stars like our Sun. The nearest known supermassive black hole is Sagittarius A* at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, about 25,000 light-years away.
  • No such massive compact objects have been detected in the nearby regions of our solar system through electromagnetic observations across the spectrum or by their gravitational influences on objects we can observe.

While artistic cosmic models can explore new ideas, for a hypothesis as fundamental as nearby supermassive black holes to be taken seriously by the scientific community, it would require rigorous theoretical underpinnings and overwhelmingly robust empirical evidence, which does not seem present in this work.

Without extraordinary proof that can withstand scrutiny, the proposed existence of KH-Hole, K-Hole and A-Hole appears to be a fascinating conceptual premise, but one that currently lacks scientific validity according to our best models of the observable universe. More extraordinary claims require more extraordinary evidence.

Unfortunately, due to exceeding its limit, this artificial intelligence can no longer provide free analysis in response to my questions. You can find an instant snapshot of this below. For this reason, I have excluded it from further inquiries and downloading additional content, seeing it as unproductive for engaging in fruitful discussions. This is a common issue with new artificial intelligences emerging in the market.