It is one of the most beautiful equations driven by Paul Dirac. He formulated a relativistic equation for electrons. But in one of the equations, the solutions come out to be a negative sign. Everybody says you are crazy or you are stupid. He says I am right. A few years later, Carl Anderson in Caltech found that such a thing is called a positron. You know this is the opposite of the electron. So, there are two particles similar to each other but in opposite movements, and this causes them to have two different charges: negative for electrons, which move in an anti-clockwise direction, and positive for positrons, which move in the direction of the clock. So, for every element inside an atom, there should be two types of particles that go in two different directions to become a matter of each other. And when these two particles collide, they will destroy each other because of two different spins in their fundamental particle. And therefore, for any matter, we do have anti-matter for that particular particle. So, by following the movement in a bigger universe as a zodiac system. We notice anything moving in a clockwise direction will take a negative charge, and the clock direction will take a positive charge.